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HSI Acute Care Engagement System

Communication is essential to the patient-caregiver relationship. So it stands to reason that the patient communication board in a patient room is critical to that relationship as well. In fact, according to a 2020 study published in BMJ Quality and Safety, over 95% of patients found the patient whiteboard useful and 92% read the information frequently during their stay. Just fill out the form to access the document! Please reach out to [email protected] for to arrange a call to review your project. Feel free to engage Haverford Systems for design, installation assistance and support.

The days of traditional whiteboards are coming to an end as more healthcare facilities upgrade to digital patient boards that provide real-time patient data from electronic medical records (EMR), real-time location services (RTLS), nurse call, and other systems. These advanced patient boards also provide video-conferencing functionality, allowing caregivers and patients to safely engage from anywhere!

Looking for ways to improve the patient-caregiver communication experience in your facility? The patient communication board is a great place to start.

Just fill out the form to access the brochure! Please reach out to [email protected] for to arrange a call to review your project. Feel free to engage Haverford Systems for design, installation assistance and support.

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